The SMA Research Fellow award recognizes scholars who have shown excellence in the area of sport marketing research, honoring the research they disseminate through SMA conference presentations and publications in official journal, Sport Marketing Quarterly.
The SMA Research Fellow designation is intended to: (a) be one of distinction within the SMA and Fellows' own academic communities, and (b) encourage high-quality research and various forms of scholarship among SMA members.
Members qualify for SMA Research Fellow status upon achieving a specific high-level of scholarly accomplishment (see minimum criteria, below). Members who qualify will be designated as SMA Research Fellows upon providing appropriate information to the SMA Awards Committee and upon verification of the record.
SMA members wishing to obtain this designation must have a track record of continuous and high-quality scholarship that minimally contains the following:
Publications. SMA Fellow nominees must have published at least seven publications in Sport Marketing Quarterly. Only peer-reviewed research papers will be considered. Case studies, book reviews, law articles, and other special sections are not considered. In order to be eligible, all SMQ publications must be in print prior to the close of the nomination deadline (articles “in press” will not count toward the total).
Presentations. SMA Fellow nominees must have at least ten refereed presentations at the Sport Marketing Association Annual Conference.
Materials Required
Fellow qualifications (listing of minimum criteria) must be submitted electronically in a single PDF document. Nominees are requested to abide by the following order when listing their qualifications:
List your name, rank and/or title, professional affiliation, and research areas
List your contact information, including address, phone, and e-mail address
List your SMQ publications in APA format
List your SMA presentations in APA format
Submission Deadline and Process
Submissions are due no later than June 7, 2024. SMA members who wish to submit credentials for verification/authentication must follow the guidelines as outlined above. Final submissions must be sent as a single PDF file via e-mail to Dr. Isabell Mills, Member at Large for the SMA, at
SMA Research Fellows
Khalid Ballouli, University of South Carolina
Gregg Bennett, Texas A&M University
Kevin Byon, Indiana University
Joris Drayer, Temple University
Brendan Dwyer, Virginia Commonwealth University
Daniel Funk, Temple University
Chris Greenwell, University of Louisville
Bob Heere, University of North Texas
Richard Irwin, University of Memphis
Jeffrey James, Florida State University
Yong Jae Ko, University of Florida
Nancy Lough, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Brenda Pitts, Georgia State University
Nels Popp, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Stephen Ross, University of Minnesota
Stephen Shapiro, University of South Carolina
Jason Simmons, University of Cincinnati
David Stotlar, University of Northern Colorado
Galen Trail, Seattle University
Patrick Walsh, Syracuse University
Matthew Walker, University of North Texas
Daniel Wann, Murray State University
James Zhang, University of Georgia