The Sport Marketing Association welcomes the submission of abstracts for the 2024 SMA Conference to be held in Phoenix-Glendale the week of October 22-24.

Abstract Categories

Authors may submit abstracts for one of the following categories:

  1. Oral presentation (25 minutes, including questions)

  2. Panel discussion, symposium, or roundtable (75 minutes)

  3. Poster presentation

Author Categories

Authors should submit abstract(s) under one of two categories:

  1. Professional

  2. Student (All authors must be current students; professionals can only be on paper as advisor; only one advisor per paper)

Submissions can be conceptual or empirical in nature, and do not need to be completed at the time of submission. However, for any work in progress, there needs to be assurances that the research will be completed in time for the conference presentation, should it be accepted. 

To be considered for the SMA Conference Best Professional Paper award studies will need to have been completed at the time of submission. Furthermore, to be considered for the SMA Conference Best Student Paper award, abstracts may feature only one student author and up to one professional author who must be clearly identified as an advisor.

Important Dates

Authors should be mindful of the following key dates when preparing and submitting their abstracts (please note that official submissions are effective as of this announcement provided authors abide by the guidelines provided:

  1. Submission Portal Opens: March 1st, 2025 (11:59 PM, PST)

  2. Submission Deadline: May 2nd, 2025 (11:59 PM, PST)

  3. Notice of Acceptance: June 13, 2025 (11:59 PM, PST)

Abstract Submissions

Submissions must conform to format instructions. Please keep an exact version for future reference. Submissions will be subjected to blind peer review. Authors will be notified of acceptance, rejection, or suggested modifications as soon as the review process is completed. Please see key dates below for submission and revision deadlines. It is a condition of acceptance that at least one author attend the conference and present the research.

Online Submission Process

The abstract submission portal for SMA abstracts will open on March 1, 2025. Please note that abstracts will only be accepted via the online submission portal. The submission portal will close after the abstract submission deadline of May 2, 2025, after which abstracts will no longer be accepted.

AUTHOR NOTE: Within the submission portal, authors will be asked to upload their abstract as a Microsoft Word document (.docx). Please ensure that within the abstract you include the abstract title, but exclude all personal identifiers. That is, the abstract body should not include author name(s) and/or affiliation(s). Below are bulleted instructions detailing the correct format for abstract files:

  • Each abstract should be no longer than 1000 words, excluding references. 

  • Times New Roman; 12-point font

  • 8.5 x 11-inch page size; 1-inch margins on all sides

  • Include text only; figures and tables not acceptable

  • APA Style (latest edition)

  • Files should be named using the name of the first author such that the abstract is named LAST_FIRST_ABSTRACT.docx. In the event a first author is submitting more than one abstract, additional files for further submission should be attached and named as follows: LAST_FIRST_ABSTRACT 2.docx. 

As you prepare your submission, be prepared to have the following on hand:

  1. Abstract document (adhering to the above instructions)

  2. Presentation title; presentation type (i.e., oral, poster, panel, symposium, or roundtable); author status (professional or student); presentation keywords; author information for submission purposes (names, affiliations, and emails for all authors)

Number of Submissions

There is a strict limit of two (2) presentations per listed author regardless of co-authorship or type of presentation. An exception to this limit will be granted to advisors to current students, in which case only one (1) advisor must be clearly designated in the author section of the submission. Please note that, in order to submit two abstracts, authors will have to enter the online submission portal two separate times (the online portal will only allow for one submission at a time).

Reviewing Submissions

Abstract reviewers for the SMA Conference will judge abstract submissions on the basis of their contributions to the development and advancement of theory or practice in the field of sport marketing. All submissions will undergo a double-blind review and will be judged on their overall quality and contribution to the SMA Annual Conference.

Abstract submissions should not be concurrently submitted for consideration to another conference and must not have been previously presented at another conference. In addition, submissions should not be of work published or in press prior to the abstract deadline (May 2, 2025, 11:59 PM, PST).

AI Statement

Authors are accountable for the originality and integrity of their submissions and therefore should avoid the inappropriate use of Generative AI tools in the development of abstracts. 

Conference Information

The 2025 SMA annual conference will be held at the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel and Conference Center. Information about the hotel and its surrounding area can be found by clicking here. SMA attendees will be able to book their rooms a special discounted rate beginning March 1, 2025. Additional information about the conference can be found by visiting the SMA website.


Questions and/or comments about the abstract submission process should be emailed to Dr. Liz Gregg, VP of Academic Affairs for SMA (